Initial Research: Henri Cartier Bresson

For my photo's I will be looking for solution similar to work of Henri Cartier Bresson. how he use a camera, how he finding a light, composition and facial expressions. He was photographer which very wide vision. Photo below show landscape but still witch the person. My photos will be a bit similar to this, I'm going to take a picture of a person from a slightly further perspective against an interesting background. I see on that photo shadows and nice composition, two objects from opposite sides and still landscape behind that. I like this photo because you can still see the weather and clouds. We can see 3 different strong colour's which give birth to the image into 3 almost different parts. That photo have amazing character , It captures the normal real life and duties of a normal person without lies and

Henri Cartier-Bresson: Landscapes | MONOVISIONS - Black & White Photography Magazine

 Henri Cartier-Bresson he fastened on to "the role of spontaneous expression... and of intuition and, above all, the attitude of revolt". He is legendary for describing his instantaneous composition of a scene as "the decisive moment,"which he defined as "the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as of a precise organization of forms which gave that event its proper expression." (Mary Warner Marien: P256)
In my own work I will be looking some connections and research on the Henri Cartier-Bresson and i will be practice and explore further techniques and skills to inform my own work with photography and I believe this will help me be a better photographer. Definitely greats Photographer always they can give us something but we have to watch on their work and finding conclusions.


Henri Cartier-Bresson: Landscapes: Monovisions - black & white photography magazine (2015) MONOVISIONS. Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2023).

Mary Warner Marien(2002)Photography A Cultural History,London,Laurence King Publishing


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