
Showing posts from January, 2024

Beginning Research: David Wilson.

That picture which one David Wilson take was make  Llangwm  in Pembrokeshire. He watching a flock of starlings long time because he wait for moment when he can take close shots. In finally when he want give up that flock of starlings start flying nearly him what give him opportunity to take it great photo.  Picture is made in black and white colours. Even that picture is in black and white colours we can see incredible manipulation of light. Top and down of the picture is dark what give all the picture mystery and spaciousness. In the middle is the mod road with puddles which one give us more lights reflexes. The most light we have in the top as well close to the dark boundaries moreover all action happens in the middle of picture on the border with horizon. We have there flock of starling where everyone bird compering each other majestic fly with impact up and up , all that expression give that picture live. That will be relevant to my project because some pictures I will be doing in

Library Visit and Book's Research.

In week 4 we visit a library to purpose find relevant books to our project. We have find minimum 3 books. I was found 4 books : "Portrait Photography", "Photographic Lighting", "Professional Nature Photography" and "Loretta Lux". In library I was quick skimming that books and I borrow to development my knowledge and looks new ideas to my project. David Wilson photographer and artist, book which one have a large number of information which one is useful. He had a sad story but that story help him to be a great artist. namely when he was a young he had a cycle accident where he broke bons and neck, During the hospitalization he start walking and he coming out to the nature to doing a pictures and that was his rehabilitation. That is very inspirated when in our live , happened somethings horrible where some people will be depress and some people finding light and second live. I think that why his pictures is so powerful.  Portraiture is one of the o

Storyboard Project plan

 In my storyboard i show my plan what I will be expect from my pictures but also I will be doing 3 d box  included there my photography.   That is a 12 quick sketch of my plan what I want included in my photography. 3 things will be the most important Model, background and day light. Moreover every day, every research coming to my head new ideas. So definitely I will be use a fire, flowers (maybe water lily), ground/mud, wood/scobs, leaves, rocks, maybe animal fur, wind and will see what weather bring to as and what chance give as to made a pictures. I will be work with ISO 100-800 depending on the light outside and if necessary inside. Also aperture which I used so far was f/1.8, f/2, f/2.2, f/5.6, also that will be relevant to requires of environmental. I will be think about High Key and Low Key technique how I can use that in my pictures, exposure usually I have set on the 0 but  also I was use -1.3 or + 2. A perfect example we have in ,, The exposure triangle" where show us 3

Further Artist Research: Richard Avedon

 Next artist which one interesting me and help me develop my new solutions is Richard Avedon. That American photographer was born in 1923. In his photography models always they have smile, emotions, expressions, that pictures "talking". His one from the many famous pictures is "Beekeeper" from 1981 That curious picture was create on the farm. Behind house on the dark side of the barn he hanging a white blank paper sheet for photo background. They accumulate quarter billion bees to that picture. This bees  was storage in small cages when model see that he said  ''As soon as I saw the packages, I realized those were adults. It bothered me, but I figured Gary knew what he was doing. He said not to worry''(Delivery, 2019). On model body "Ronald Fisher" he put some queen bee pheromones which one help to accumulate bee swarm. 2 hours session was finished only with 4 stings. Picture below.                                                           

Art Portfolio One. Project Sign Off

 My project Sing off is below and link. Find my Project Sign Off

Art Portfolio ONE Project Plan

 Today we doing a Art Portfolio One Project Plan. So we have to fill all sheet in Word. I include a process  below.                                                                 Project Plan Link That is all project plan.

Own homework

I was working hard with my model and I think we got some great results. We was lucky because outside was minus 5 °C but we have a blankets, towels and hat where she wear after every session  and lake around our surrounding area frozen 4,4 cm deep and we start doing some shoots on the ice. That was challenging but still we try doing that in shallow water. I hope so my tutors accept that Pictures and they give me green light for rest part of session... That photography its relevant to my idea about primitivism and we trying do our work the best how we can. That blog post I creating far away from home using my telephone S21 ultra. Was difficult because was cold but we had towel below which one we putting on the ice. I was find shallow place which one was safe. She still have a clothes but we just move t shirt from arm little down to remove a clothes from picture to make that picture more real. Every session shoots lasted 2 min to avoid cold air, during the time you can see her red nose fr

Initial Research.

 Today I will be look more information, ideas , research about my project and I will be looking for fresh view and ideas for my point. Because I will be doing photography shoots I had to find new photography artist which one develop mine knowledge about my project. First  who is really appropriate to my ideas is Keith Dotson I was write about him but I just remind my self his work and I do more deeply research. Another one will be Grant Haist. Both that artist working in black and white colours however I want comparing my gallery of picture from black and white and colour as well , that will be different. Keith Dotson he is related to my project because I panning doing my pictures from closer perspective that why I looking for how to grab a shadows and light.                                                               Rain Drops on Fallen Leaf In that picture we can see every single water drops , we can see curious background as well and all leaves structure that is challenging and i

Portfolio One: Project Statement

 For my Art Portfolio Project I will be focus on theme ,, Primitivism", my progression is photography. My 2D outcomes will be pictures where I  planning using a 4 element ( earth, air, water, fire) that will be base for my pictures and related to the primitivism, I will be use only my model face interactive with that all element in nature, that will be incredible project which one fiddling my mind. I want focus on natural light, from fire, from sun, reflection from water mirror and cooperated with the ground (earth) and human being  with nature effects. I was find (bless helping people) few artist related with my ideas and project: Grant Haist, Keith Dotson and Gallen Rowell. To complete my project I will be use a camera, light sources, leaves, earth (soil, ground), water, air (wind), fire. Skills which one I want a develop is cooperation with light, find a other alternative sources of light and contrast with nature and surrounding are (leaves , water soil, wood, cave etc). My pro

The Object Lesson: Ideas development

 Today we had to choose a object and develop own ideas. I was choose a pinecone because is related to the nature and primitivism. We had to develop out object and write on the paper what it remind us of. So then I write about colour, structure, similarity etc. My own picture of pinecone After we had to draw our object from different perspective to understand and see that object from different angle. That could give us more ideas for development a topic. I was struggling with ideas because I was really problem to find something related with pinecone, but during the time I think I was find some development idea.  I thinking about picture of pinecone created from different angles connecting to one piece, or half pinecone and another half tree. I do some researchers to help me in my ideas and I looking some inspiration. Curious person who I found is Keith Dotson who leave in America. He make a pictures related with my idea. He make incredible pictures black and white colours with small obj

First Thoughts... and Initial Ideas (Crazy eight)

 From 3 different topics to chose Primitivism, Art Pop and Industry. Art pop that is good thought but not for me because I don't like bigger group of people, clubs and different things relative with that. Another though is Industry. All my live I was working in industry's and all that monotony , time and life killer work and environmental take to much from me and I have enough going deeply in that environmental, that why  I need fresh mind and ideas (environmental). The most close to my hear and my personality is "Primitivism". That why because i thing I can back to the past time and doing very interesting photos from past times in my imagination and show that on my pictures/photos. When I start thinking about that subject "Primitivism" strait to way ideas coming to my mind. I thing about person which one living in stone age and trying a survive. That model will be a my daughter which one is very close to my heart and she inspired me very much and I would li

Icebreaker Challenge.

 First task was in group, we had to working with Iceberg.   That is our picture of "Whishler;s Mother". On that picture we had to create our composition and form using available equipments, fabric materials, items etc. Me and my comrade Ms Aleksandra we was work together in group and our cooperation going pretty good moreover we both had ideas and listening each other.     We start creating a background so we use a blue paper towel which one imitating this same colour what  in original picture. We using a paper tape to stick that to wall.       In next step we start putting more background details like black elements, chair, and similar texture colour floor from fabric materials.   When we finish our background we start preparing a model which one will be a replica person from paint. To that we using our painting ability to painting a face and make them more old and wrinkles , with that we don't have any problems because model was straight away similar to that majestic ol