Advertising Reasearch: Gen Millennium/Gen Z

I have been creating an advert for Polish Food, Catering. In this post i will be discuss advertising and marketing Gen Millennium and Gen Z.

"In a Lucid poll, I asked 350 people to tell me if, "The same marketing tactics that persuade millennials also work on Gen Z," was a true or false statement. And if you think consumers — the people who are being marketed to by brands — would sway one way or another, you'll be slightly surprised by the results below:"(Bump, 2023)

 Data Source: Lucid Software
I chose both generations because the food that will be sold will find buyers among families, and families are made up of different generations like hire Gen Z and Gen Millennium. That is so important for future my advert/company to know who spending more, and what the future of sales among families will look like. That two generation will be the most often customers.

My own advert i will be marketing through hopefully to understanding the topic of generation and potential customers. The generations I want to reach use most of the social media like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, because the world is changing and so are we. It is easier and faster for us to put something on the Internet, where we will find a larger number of recipients. In our time, the younger generations no longer look at newspapers as they used to. 
"Social media is embedded into the fabric of their lives. A 2022 survey by Morning Consult found that 54% of Gen Zers said they spend at least four hours daily on social media, and 38% spend even more time than that. Their most used social platforms are YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat."6 Jun 2023
Polish community in Uk is very wide, so means we can have lots of potential customers. Usually Polish people chose a polish dishes and eating polish food because they think that kitchen be prebaby the best in the word. Poles are proud of the fact that they have traditional kitchen that people from all over the world are looking for. Iven i social media people speak about our food , where you can find what is the best, how to prepare many dishes.

Englishman trying a TRADITIONAL POLISH MEAL!

You definitely need to think about which meals are the most common and which taste the best.

                                   BARSZCZ CZERWONY - CZYSTY , KLASYCZNY

that only examples
I came to the conclusion that if I advertise through social media, which is currently the future of Gen Millennium and Gen Z, I will be successful. The most important thing is that my advert is visible on the web.


DKAmedia (2021) The success of Polish cuisine in the UK, Available at: (Accessed: 11 October 2023).

Bump, P. (2023) Millennials vs. gen Z: Why marketers need to know the difference [new data], HubSpot Blog. Available at: (Accessed: 11 October 2023).

Bump, P. (2023) Millennials vs. gen Z: Why marketers need to know the difference [new data], HubSpot Blog. Available at: (Accessed: 11 October 2023).


  1. Good work on references just need to work on citation more in your next research post. You have related this to your project and well in your next research you should be able to write more of your own opinions and be able to back this up with research - good start on research here.


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