Creating a Website: Photography

Today we began creating a website using Wix. I began by choosing a template.

This is a site and I just start a customize. First what I do ,I began from my Name and Surname. I choose
a font "Bodoni Poster" size 35 and move in right place.

I change my navigation linking words , change a font for "Bondi Poster" and I was remove unnecessary options. I leave only Home, Portfolio, About and Contact. I also deleted the login box .

After that i just change my copyright sign to my name and the correct date with the font this same like above because should be compare to my rest fonts.

I removed the previous background and downloaded the photo from "Unsplash" so that the website could suit me better. After that I just centered a background to edges.

After that visually important move , I just save my Website klick right corner in the top.
I completed my home page in future i will be adding a social media links.


  1. Good post with good technical detail just remember to add your mobile view and if you had to change anything


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