Individual Sequential Photography Piotrus

I created my own sequential shooting practice on my Samsung S21 Ultra. I decided to choose 2 objects, but I will focus on one and I calling that just "Candle".
I created a set of contact sheets of all my original images and used online a contact images generator, please.
I decided to choose a candle so I started working on it. Step by step I removed the lid of the candle.
Then I lit the match and step by step I approached the candle to light it. Then, when the candle was lit, after taking a few photos of it burning, I decided to gently blow on the flame and extinguish it. When I managed to do this, I also took a few photos showing the smoke from the extinguished candle wick.

My final sequence consists of 4 parts/photos

I have finished my project, I think that with more serious and larger projects, the effect will be much better. Overall, it turned out well.

Below is an addition that I liked, so I just added it without comment.


  1. You have added these and you have got the right idea however you will need add technical commentary and a reflection on this work.

  2. You still need to add a final sequence made on Pixlr - you have just added contacts from the contact generator


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