Major Project: SMART Objective

I've been deliberating and thinking deeply while creating my Milanote and all the ideas I've put there. I've reached a certain sketch and format that I'm going to stick to as if it were a SMART project. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific (My own), Measurable (which can be measured), Achievable(with achievements), Realistic (Genuine), and Timely(In time).
I am planning to take a 10 photo's to my project. I will be present short story of small Angel which aims to help people but she is helpless. I will create a set of 10 black and white images which i will on my final web site as a gallery . I will be try capture photo's using my own phone camera Samsung S21 Ultra I still considering borrow equipment from University but will see during the time. This will be completed by the beginning of December. If I have enough time, I will try to make a short film in which I would use my own music and edit it in Sony Vegas 18.


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