Final photos task to my project. More than 500 pics.

 That is my work what i was doing last weekend. Me and my model we going in couple places to make my project. Was could and that challenge was difficult because my model cant stay to long barefoot on the grass and concrete. So I had make quick my photos. All together take me about 4 hours. I choose couples the best in colour as well so I add that below contact sheet.
That picture we doing in scrap cars place. I just move a model and I was a changes settings to get different photos. 

Again different angle of pictures and I was searching better shots to find appropriate picture.

Here I was try get some pictures / shoots from inside of car, that was a challenge because inside a car was dark and beyond was bright.

There I had brilliant concoction doing some pictures on the pedestrians walk, but sun shining very bright and white stripes on the street  double reflective that light. We had to be quick because every 15 seconds another cars coming and trying a pass. 

On the cemetery was more easy to take a shots because was nobody there who can disturb us in our work. Light shining through the branches and leaves give us great lights and shadows to make a better pictures.

We stay another 30 min. in cemetery area to make a more shoots

After that we drive to forest, I had idea with white wire and tree but in results that pictures was very weak. Was to many elements in forest like branches etc. and all together on the background and before was like one mess. 

That pictures in play area was really satisfaction, there was open area with day light and nobody around. However I had more time and I was try take more pictures with different settings.

Next place where we drive was a hospital in Coalville, that was second one because in first one they don't let us take a pictures. There was little bit embarrassingly because they let us come to one big room in to the corner but where was many men and everybody watch us, so I just try motivate my model to make a pictures and after that we go. 

Pictures in lake area was extremely satisficing.  All going good and my model cooperating with me. 

That two pictures we do in scrap cars area. I was asking about permission and they agree.

Another two was on the lake in Coalville, there was very cold so every 5 min which out the shoes was challenge. We was lucky because weather was favourable and day light unusually bright.

Also we was in hospital to make couples pictures, all that session was difficult and required patience and great sacrifice. Cold days nearly winter doesn't help when you posing only in t-shirt.


  1. Good that you have added these with test shots and EXIF details


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