Website feedback UX testing

 To test my website I created a google form with questions reading my website how it work. I them embedded the form into the navigation form  bar. I then published my website. My address was shared with group so that they could test my website and answer for my question which one I was included there. After I was analyst the feedback and I can responsed to this. I got 5 response to my questions here is a feedback and my response to every each.

All that responded they thought my website between excellent and good. My homepage working good but maybe in future I will be update that more. 

The navigation on my website I was pleased with I did think and worked well. I do think that it is important to keep checking everything's works particularly on the mobile view.

That was about About Page Design. Here again we have this same results so I am happy from that I hope so be more effective in future. 

That one was about contact page. Hire was little bit was , I mean still good but result shearing for 50/50.I had to check that what could be wrong.

Social link was really good I got 100% excellent opinion, I am happy from that.

Looking for Portfolio Helpless Guardian I see this same result like above, Mean for me that what I do was really difficult job however going very good. That is good benefits for me.

Another feedback was about my pictures in colour. Here we see worse result, still good and excellent however I have to work wit my colour pictures.

Another feedback is a sum up my portfolio work and that looks so good for me. 80% excellent and 20% good. That is positive effort.

Last question i my feedback sounds What do you thing of the overall design of the website? And there again I dint disappointed a results. I think that interviewers was really honest and kind. All daily results give more infraction what could be go and what could be to improve. Below I fast comments result as well to view.

If we can see all is positives, I don't know what could be mean a "kabso" but I am pretty shore that cant be nothing wrong. All comment strengthen me in my work so thank you for that people. The most kind commentary what I like it is "Mobile view looks really good, very consistent site with a really great portfolio project well done" is very efficient for me.


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