Website Updates and Evaluation.

 Own site

Website Evaluation
Planning stage:
What were your initial ideas for creating a website? style / name / template
I wanted to creating my own website to representing my photography work. I will be doing that in black and white colours but also I planning add another page with colour photo. Style will be also in darkness colours with this same font everywhere. I will be using my own name .Template will be clear to read and view. 

Do you have a tagline on your website?
No , I am not marketing anything's such so have not punting that.

Which designers / artists (relevant to your continuation route) websites did you look for inspiration?
I was inspirate a Elliot Erwitt website and all toots what he have on the website, that's why i doing somethings similar to his website.  

How many pages did you want to make on your website and why?
I would like add minimum  6 pages: Home , About, Contact, Portfolio and in Portfolio another 2 like one may project "Helpless Guardian" and another one will be photography in colour because I think colour photography is also important and beautiful.

Did that change as you progressed onto the research / designing stage?
Yes, during the website progress ,process i start see new ideas , new suggestions on my work and obviously new ideas from website researches give me more clear ideas.

What is the purpose of your website?
My purpose of my website it's opportunity for everybody to explore my own photography work. Everyone can discover my View point and character my pictures, how I see composition how I using a light, also that is helpful in my work , curious task help me develop my ability in creating a website and creating my photography.

Who are your potential website users?
Potential users of my website will be younger and mature people which one will be looking unconventional photos and I hope so which one wants work with me.
Why do you think it is important to have a digital portfolio website?
Because we move with the times. Everything what we doing in our time is relevant with internet. Younger and older people using internet to explore , research, discover etc. Even social media is the reason that style of communication and view as well. In this time more often time and more easy find my and my work in the internet for example on the website or social media, like before that is how word is change. People will be use online tools to looking for my work often times then an photo album.

Which design elements / tools did you use? (e.g.: infographics, fixed header, static background image, navigation menu design, text boxes, image galleries, social media feed) and why?
To design my website I using appropriate tools like for example background image which one I swap and use my own pictures. In my menu I dilated unneeded tools like for example "services" because its not necessaries.  I left 4 major tools like Menu, Portfolio, About and Contact. I was fixed a header on my own name and font. Also I was using small social media square to including contact to me there in different forms like for example my blog or Instagram. I was add a button to go and back from my portfolio which one presenting very well. In contact sheet I create a "Contact Forms" square where you can write some details and information's to me. I was add copyright as well in left bottom corner.  

Which template did you use in Wix and why?
How many pages does your website have and why?
Why do you think it is important to have a digital portfolio website?
Because we move with the times. Everything what we doing in our time is relevant with internet. Younger and older people using internet to explore , research, discover etc. Even social media is the reason that style of communication and view as well. In this time more often time and more easy find my and my work in the internet for example on the website or social media, like before that is how word is change. People will be use online tools to looking for my work often times then an photo album.
To design my website I using appropriate tools like for example background image which one I swap and use my own pictures. In my menu I dilated unneeded tools like for example "services" because its not necessaries.  I left 4 major tools like Menu, Portfolio, About and Contact. I was fixed a header on my own name and font. Also I was using small social media square to including contact to me there in different forms like for example my blog or Instagram. I was add a button to go and back from my portfolio which one presenting very well. In contact sheet I create a "Contact Forms" square where you can write some details and information's to me. I was add copyright as well in left bottom corner.  

Does your website have working social media icon links?
I have only two links to my blog and Instagram. I was check how its works couples weeks ago when we add that links to my website. Everything working properly and successfully.

Are your pages connected / interlinked?
Yes I was creating interlinked bottoms to find everything's important in my website make clear and easy to move in my website.

Is it easy to navigate?
My website its very simplistic to navigate , I try to make everything there clear and easy to find because my website visitors could be in different age. So for younger generation and older should be easy to find what they need. 

Does the “Contact” page / email link work?
 In contact I was check my setting which one email I add in set notification. So everything was properly and looks sufficient. I cant find testing button but from information included in website that contact form its work.

Evaluation my website.
I was decide to change a gallery, I was a change idea to move, slide my photo gallery, not any more scrolling down, now slide in right side, more practice.

After when I choose my gallery I had a choose some pictures again. I was looking on that picture from another side and finally I add less like before. Some pictures was not so interesting like rest. After that step I was start add a title to my pictures.
Successfully I was add my titles and today I was finish with my upgrade.

Today I will to doing new area with colour pictures in my website.
That's why I go in Wix open my website, I was add a new page and give name "Pictures in Colour" to maker my website more interesting.

After that I was add my another welcome picture to front of side with colour pictures.

 Next my step I was add a button,  I was change colour for gray and I was use font "Forum" size 18.

Then I create another button in Pictures in colour section and conntect that link to Portfolio page. I was check that button already and its working.

I was change my title in that page for Pictures in colour also I was use Font "Bondi Foster" 56 size.

Next way I was add A new colour photos to my another gallery.

I was check also mobile view on my new website page to be a sure . good I was check that because my back button despaired so I was had to do another one. After that was ok.

I was add short introduce as well.


  1. Good that you have completed this and shown a good understanding of your website design and the tools it uses - well done


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