Beginning Research: David Wilson.

That picture which one David Wilson take was make Llangwm in Pembrokeshire. He watching a flock of starlings long time because he wait for moment when he can take close shots. In finally when he want give up that flock of starlings start flying nearly him what give him opportunity to take it great photo.  Picture is made in black and white colours. Even that picture is in black and white colours we can see incredible manipulation of light. Top and down of the picture is dark what give all the picture mystery and spaciousness. In the middle is the mod road with puddles which one give us more lights reflexes. The most light we have in the top as well close to the dark boundaries moreover all action happens in the middle of picture on the border with horizon. We have there flock of starling where everyone bird compering each other majestic fly with impact up and up , all that expression give that picture live. That will be relevant to my project because some pictures I will be doing in black and white colours also I will be using landscape and nature environmental in my pictures. 


In that picture we can see ,,Leading line" in fields in rule of third. Leading line give us feeling like that road guide us deeper and deeper into picture in the Centre taking through the image. that day was very cloudy and was late afternoon with limited light, that why in my opinion ISO using in that picture was high between 400 and 800 probably. Memo ration and significant point also is clouds and birds which one moves exiting from the bottom they flying up to make that picture relevant taste . Moreover I have to looks on the shades and tones. Namely the most shade area is bottom line, from the rule of third. Middle part is more tonal with more bright light there where we have landscape line, and last dividing line is also shade. That tonal and shades in black and white give all image more fantastic structure and composition. All that connecting elements like birds , clouds, leading line, rule of third , horizontal line create a perfect composition. I think shoot speed was 1,250 sec or more because birds flying fast I trying avoid a blurs he had to select a quicker shoot speed. Also i think aperture was set on f/5.6 because we have bird on the shade background (clouds) and exposure of  +2 and also I think in that picture could use a Low Key technique, could but also without that he can achieve that results.
David Wilson is photographer which one working with 35mm Canon. He make shoots in black/white and landscape also nature environmental in Wales. He try tell the story of Wales, wind, old farms, cost of mid winter etc. That picture was choose to the book on the front page about Pembrokeshire.
"My favorite seasons for photography are late autumn, winter and early spring when the sun's arc is low in the sky, each composition enhanced by highlight and shadow. Those seasons are also blessed with proper weather: rain coming at you side on; wind that threatens to cut you in half; frosts that numb the extremities"(Wilson, 2021). That picture was shot the most probably in 2013-2014, that picture is desirable and find a large number of views, buyers and fans. Griff Rhys said and while his shots do indeed evoke “the stark and demanding beauty of rural Wales” and its “harsh abstractions and bare outlines (Rhys ND)”. I agree with people with one see only positives. I would like to add more colors somethings in pictures because we need see somethings what give you different point of view. Like I write above he doing picture in natural environmental and I would like to use similar environmental. However he make shots in black and white and some my picture also I do in black and white but I let my pictures decide where better will be with color and where better will be black and white. I don't like when something decide and dictates what you have to do. Moreover I don't want put in my photos only sad character, because photography make mi happy that why we can deliberating there, be happy and sometimes even sad but only sometimes. That nostalgic is important but we have to remember a large number of people reading our photography and reaction on that so don't make people sad. That what I can learn from that is hard work and no matters and no excuse even if we have bad weather or I have to climb somewhere to take a pictures, we can do everything because we are humans. therefore I will be keep going follow the to target. Also I know new technique with "leading line", briefly I know that before but I didn't know how to call that. That is inspired and helps me to develop my skills. One more thing what that image give is looks on the shade and tonal how I can use that and how big matter is that in whole photography. I like that light in his picture how incredible he use that , I will be try observe more and sometimes waiting for appropriate moment.
Additionally that how is related that image mine?  Definitely I trying doing a photography in third also black and white what I am using in my photography because sometimes black and white have to more easy compering with our pictures and at easy to take a shoot. I have to considering about that photographer work and my , namely how he take that images? He operating with aperture f/5.6 maybe more I have try that in my picture outside using that also. That picture help me understand like to provided shades and tonal in my images in difficult environmental. 

avid Wilson Photography.” Harbour Lights Gallery, 24 Aug. 2020, Accessed 31 Jan. 2024.


14, Team Perspicuous |, and 2021. “An Unlikely Photographer: Interview with David Wilson (Wales).” Perspicuous, Accessed 31 Jan. 2024.

Bevan, Nathan. “Photography Is a Real Labour of Love for David Wilson (Pictures).” Wales Online, 13 July 2012, Accessed 31 Jan. 2024.


  1. You needed here again to use compositional terms such as this image has a leading line running through the image - this leads the eye to look at the birds moving through the air in the middle and higher third of the image - the image is in thirds and this is something you can discuss - what other settings and methods may have been used here?



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