First Thoughts... and Initial Ideas (Crazy eight)

 From 3 different topics to chose Primitivism, Art Pop and Industry. Art pop that is good thought but not for me because I don't like bigger group of people, clubs and different things relative with that. Another though is Industry. All my live I was working in industry's and all that monotony , time and life killer work and environmental take to much from me and I have enough going deeply in that environmental, that why  I need fresh mind and ideas (environmental). The most close to my hear and my personality is "Primitivism". That why because i thing I can back to the past time and doing very interesting photos from past times in my imagination and show that on my pictures/photos. When I start thinking about that subject "Primitivism" strait to way ideas coming to my mind. I thing about person which one living in stone age and trying a survive. That model will be a my daughter which one is very close to my heart and she inspired me very much and I would like to explore to that way "mutual relation between power of nature and human bean". Furthermore I have to think about that how looks the interaction about children and nature, what they do, how they playing with leaves and maybe the climbing on the tree how they spend time outside  and after I use that to my work. To start my project I have to considering for all that things. Therefore in my opinion my model face great cooperate and compose with a nature and environmental. That idea I would like to developing  and explore, moreover I would like trying make some pictures with her on the landscape using a natural light included a human beans with interaction with nature. Additionally I will be take pictures with fire and natural light to see how cooperating with my model and how looks the result that pictures included a sun rise and sun set. If I asking my self why I want take pictures with model in nature, I can answer on that. Because I love all what is live and make my huge enjoy when I can observe that and get pleasure from it. Nature pictures give me peace and deliberation time , time for reflection and when I add my close to me person, my view and perspective on surrendering area its clearly to read for me.

That was first ideas which one coming to my mind. I think that will be challenging and I will be enjoy working with that ideas.

After we had to make another project our important thoughts putting on the paper, something relative a relevant with us. I was write "fields, lonely, water, fire, environmental, sun, nature and much more."

That is some background quick ideas such us hunting picture, stone age man in cave with the fire...


Next step we have to draw on the A3 page a fev ideas about are thought and which one we choose we have to decide that. My ideas was Primitivism : Cave man, Fishing, Hunting, Cave Painting, Building a Shelter, Struggling with light, Another work equipment, Robinson Crusoe/Tom Hanks, Outside Light, Face painting acrylic and mod, Wood tools, Drinking from puddle, Leaves collection for shelter, Scare girl in shock".

Next step was to choose two or tree important and using and develop that ideas. I was choose a Cave painting and develop my idea have and which one techniques I can use to make that.

After I was choose a Light, how I can working with light and help to shine some areas in my work. Because when I will be make a cave pictures they will be require light knowledge. On the picture I show how I develop my ideas.

Last idea was fishing in river to do that I have to project a hunting stone age primitive tools . And I was a develop my idea .and expose when I will be try make a pictures, using a day light and make some shoots in night time using a lamp.

I was spoke with my teacher and she give me some opportunity to understand a topic for what I am grateful. During my research I was find the artist / photographer Andy Goldsworthy and his work is little relevant to mine ideas.

Goldsworthy … Laid across oak boughs to make shadows on the ground below. Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Photograph: Andy Goldsworth

That photographer working in harmony with nature using a landscapes, people, sun light, trees shadows and all relevant nature objects to compose a art photography. That inspired me to working more harder and show me totally new perspective and fresh ideas for my pictures and ways to make them. In picture below he cooperative with light, using a sun light and shadow creating something beautiful where many of as didn't see that, just walk past.

Andy Goldsworthy

Laid across oak boughs to make shadows on the ground below, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, 19 April 2014, 2014



Branching out: Why artist Andy Goldsworthy is leaving his comfort zone (2018) The Guardian. Available at: (Accessed: 11 January 2024) 

Andy Goldsworthy (no date) Galerie Lelong. Available at: (Accessed: 11 January 2024).


  1. Well done Piotr, this is a comprehensive , detailed post talking through your initial thought processes. The Andy Goldsworthy reference photo is particularly relevant to your ideas. This week we are going to be talking more about ideas development. We can start to narrow down some of these ideas. Think about the project as an exploration, what would you like to find out? How could you look into this? How could you document this? Could you take a few initial photographs to try out some ideas? Find photographers that work in this field, look at how they deal with similar themes, how do they light and compose their work. How could you use this to inspire you?


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