Further Artist Research: Richard Avedon

 Next artist which one interesting me and help me develop my new solutions is Richard Avedon. That American photographer was born in 1923. In his photography models always they have smile, emotions, expressions, that pictures "talking". His one from the many famous pictures is "Beekeeper" from 1981 That curious picture was create on the farm. Behind house on the dark side of the barn he hanging a white blank paper sheet for photo background. They accumulate quarter billion bees to that picture. This bees  was storage in small cages when model see that he said  ''As soon as I saw the packages, I realized those were adults. It bothered me, but I figured Gary knew what he was doing. He said not to worry''(Delivery, 2019). On model body "Ronald Fisher" he put some queen bee pheromones which one help to accumulate bee swarm. 2 hours session was finished only with 4 stings. Picture below.


His photography was black and white style usually using a white background keep the face emotions. A large number of  his photography is controversial, he using many cameras but the most common  is Deardorff 8X10 or Sinar 8X10 camera. In my opinion they use a white background because all bees what they will be considering on the model have to be a more visible. We can see two sources of light here first is a natural form sun (because they make that picture on the fields) going from the right side to considering on the head and arms with bees and second one is from front side to reflex bees from another side but only on the lower part of body below the neck. On the neck we didn't see light from the left side anymore. That picture technique  is medium close-up shoot what let us considering on the person emotions and facials expressions. That what is on the first plan are bees. They create a curious shape, shade and tones considering on the neck and right arm also ear and left part of body. All together create something like part of clothes or armor. I think ISO what was use here was ISO 100 (bright light). Behind the model is no blur what give that picture realism, contrast and professionalism. In my opinion aperture setting was more then f.11 because was quiet bright there and also person on the pictures is bright. Bees was movable so shutter speed have to be litter fast 1/125 sec to maybe 1/500 sec. If we set less our bees could be blur. That artist show me again is no matter if you are from previous age , you have 20 or 70 years if you want and you have imagine you can make incredible photos. I will be consider more about this artist and looking for new view points on photography style.


Delivery, P. (2019) Richard Avedon’s famous Beekeeper Portrait – the story behind, Public Delivery – Art non-profit. Available at: https://publicdelivery.org/richard-avedon-beekeeper/ (Accessed: 27 January 2024). 

www.clevelandart.org. (n.d.). Artwork Details Page - 2022.435 | Cleveland Museum of Art. [online] Available at: https://www.clevelandart.org/art/2022.435 [Accessed 27 Jan. 2024].



  1. Here again you need to discuss the use of a plain background probably photographic settings and light and you needed far more research here


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