Processes of making the project 3D. Mirrors box

After confirmation my project , I was start with the my 3D work. I had to start from the wood sheet on which one I stick my mirrors. So I have to count properly, measure and cut after that using a jigsaw. 

 Every one sheet from the wood have different size first have 30/30 next 30/30.5 and last 30.5/30.5 because I have to build wall shape and my wood boards have to cover edges to make construction more strong.

Every one measure have to be properly because every one millimetre could destroy my work which leads to not even edges. 

In building shop I brought special cutter blades with very small teeth to allow me cutting in board with no edges-surface damage. 

When I have ready all my 3 squares I comparing all together and using a pencil I numbered them to allow me more easy recognising which one going where.

To putting all together I go outside to avoid destroy my floor in home, I was use a small screws 0,6 mm and angle metal hinge to stick together. Everything I was doing on another piece of wood because below my board sheet I have ends of screws. 

On the end that process I using a angle-grinder to remove sharps ends of screws. 
My shape was ready for mirrors.

In next step I was start sticking my mirrors using a mirror glue. Properly I centred it and make space for rest mirrors.

All mirrors was bevelled so I have to careful assembly that close to the edges to allow see that bevelled edges which one is adorable and give me deeper perspective and additional light reflex.
Next step is make a rotation 360 degree display stand. First it all I was try to buy one in web but after brain storm I decide to do that, because our hands that is a gift and tool to work. I was think about bearing to use but I had only vertical bearing what made it impossible my plan. I had to figure out something different. To that aim I was need my souvenirs from Cornwall, that was two circle items, where I cut a hangers and polished it.

After that I start drill the bigger hole to allow put inside a rivet. With that I was struggling around 1 h because using a riveter all my rivet stick my metals parts to strong. 

In result I gone make it and my challenge was have fully successful and sufficient end. 

In result I had to pieces connect and movable like bearing bot in horizontal move.


I was a measure central spot from the mirror bottom and using a special glue I was stick careful my '' bearing'' together.


After dry my rotation part was ready to use.

Next step was measure mirror box and using a marker to the mirrors i was mark central spot to know where is the middle. 

I was stick that in the middle , wait for drying and ''voila'' my rotation display was ready in the most cheep way ever. Every one mirror process I was try doing in a gloves to avoid make finger prints on the smooth surface. 

All work with that part have satisfied end and show me how to easy doing what we require.


After that process I was start fit my display cube. I was start from pictures.

I was choose a pictures relevant to my project, print and crop that with precision.

After that I start adjust to cube size.

I was fit all 6 cube walls to trying put all pictures very even and adequate to the rest pictures. 

I was use a harder paper to that pictures , size 9cm *9cm, all effect will be sufficient with mirror. 

All that project is very curious for me, I was do that first time in my life. The most challenging was building a mirror box with even shapes and angles. Next challenging thing was crop the pictures and fit properly inside the 3D cube. That what give me the most satisfied result is mirror box. I was working with that all together few weeks, I had problems to comparing a materials and find appropriate size. But in last result everything going sufficient.

I love the even cubes-split in the reflection. In the future I will be add the led light which one more highlight my mirrors surface , but in this moment everything is good.


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