Art Portfolio, Term II Reflection


In this term I have a learned a lot from lessons with Ms. Naomi, Mr. Sam and Ms. Zoe . That trinity was incredible compare. I think like that, because everyone from then gives something to our term. Some tutor give priceless advice's and corrections also was always available and polite, which touched my heart. Another give a professional background and with a experience can provided everything what we need to sufficient results and if there was a problem, he always found a solution. Another teacher led us along the difficult but beautiful way, with the possibility of correcting us if we stray from the route, sometimes sometimes even hard, but in the end it still had the expected meaning and effect also without that teacher our work would not be so great. Additionally Lauren was very helpful and always willing to work. I writing about that not because I want to be a kind, I writing because that is reality and every new student reading that (if of course can read my write 😋) must know that, you can't give up, you have to go strait to goals and that people around you is not your enemy but your friend. During that term II I was a large number new thing but that term was less complicated like previous. All knowledge from previous term we transfer to second one and was very helpful. Namely that term was more independent. You working with your knowledge and use that in your ideas. I didn't have bigger problems in that term because i was working systematically. That is a key to your advantages, don't leave your work for later. Language in this term was quiet more easy like in previous and that is again thanks for my tutor, but without minimum help from translate ((1%)I mean, no understand some words ) will be more difficult. Because how to explain sometimes if you don't know what is this, and nobody can help you because you have poor vocabulary. In that term I was working more with my photography path. I was made a large number of good photo. In that helps me my tutors and also researches which may not be the best, but they are very helpful. In this term I was focus for manual work to sometimes use a workshops. The most challenging thing for me what I had to do was come back after my Christmas brake. My first two weeks I didn't recognize the English language and I had problem to focus on the topic. I still have a language barrier and all that things in different language take me twice more time then other (buffering time). Moreover the most challenging was working with the mirror. Was difficult to make a pictures without your own reflection and with that helps me Ms. Zoe. We had to take a longer lens to avoid our reflection. My Favorited task was my own time in my deck when nobody watch me and I can focus on my work and develop my projects, that was very benevolent. Moreover with knowledge from first term and your own blog , my website updating was only small correction without problem and without help. I was included that my own pictures to my Portfolio Gallery on the final assessment. All that time help me develop my knowledge and vocabulary. I am grateful for giving me the opportunity to learn and expand my knowledge in this module. To sum up that refection I would like to add I was so lucky to be there where I am now. Working with my class group and tutors, that is another curious level in my life. I only have one semester left and I will have to leave my group. That's what I don't like, leaving my friends.


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