2D Project Development, Outside practice

 Today on the lesson we have to start develop our project. Namely we have to create a 3 images to show how we development design ideas. I go outside take a pictures, looking for another ideas, patterns, colours, composition. Everything what could help me develop my design. Picture below show my work today. I was made 140 pictures and I was find some new ideas.


I was trying different ways to my experience.

I was trying put my object in the middle of something... that way

I was trying doing a glass reflection like a mirage

I ws try find curious shape of the construction from the interior.

Even I was start thinking about pattern. Looking for architectural object where have similar structure...

 I was trying connecting two or more different building using a leading line and horizontal sometimes...

I was think and looking for human mess and human interference.

 Construction pattern...


Human life

I was choose the most interesting picture in my opinion. I trying find the best solution for my project, also I still considering on my picture story .... because I don't know yet what story I will be present.


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