Colour Theory in Practice (Outside)

Today on the lesson I was considering about my task, namely colours is important in my architecture project. We have to try playing with for varsity of colours : Complementary, Split Complementary, Polychromatic and Analogous. First it all I was try practice on the paper but in short time I was know that is bad idea. Was quiet difficult find something like that, but with my tutor help me and give an advice... . I was find some places where was similar set of colours. I was take my mobile camera and I was go to practice with colours. Below I past some beginning pictures with watercolours what I was try to do but that was mistake.

That was shame so I was try create something outside, different way look below.


I was try avoid a Perspective Distortion on the buildings (falling over), but that was very difficult even if I was going to another building to find higher perspective. I was spoke on the reception on the opposite side that object, and I was try get a permission to get in to the building take some shots from higher perspective. I was on the 4 flour to take a good picture. Was some problems with the windows, namely windows was unopenable . Through the window I cant make any picture because window was  very dirty like on the picture below and that view was unacceptable (look below).

We can compeering that with normal outside pictures...
Its clearly different.

In the higher floor pictures was better but only for perception not for clear view. I was decide to carry on and try find something different but that building have really good colours.

That was curious day and definitely I was learn how to working with perception , building composition, colour, people also. People distract me a lot, asking, speaking, walking also cars, but I needed to keep my cool. In this picture I see not only colours , also constructions how to build my composition. That what going bad was my paper version when I was try compose a colours, also Perspective Distortion is a problem , I have to figure out how made good picture with straight lines. Moreover, without tripod (stands) was difficult set my camera straight and we can see that on the pictures. However that was going well because colour set was incredible, I didn't expect that results I achieved in Leicester city. I have to explore more that town. St.Gorge's Tower blue tower, Colton Square Building white with green windows, also white building with brigs, that colours comparing going well. Maybe also green and orange shops and blue De Montford building looks satisfied. That task give me many pluses, more like minuses. 


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