Exercise, Practice with Canon E0S 700D Architecture Colour and Structure

 Today was long day. Namely from the early morning hours I was travelling to Leicester City to use sunny day. I was check the weather in app and before afternoon whether will be change, that why I had to rush. I made 500 pictures Canon E0S 700D and I use different setting to take the best picture. I was practice and manipulate the aperture, ISO, Exposure also shutter speed. From among I choose couples good picture. I hope so maybe one will be good to my project. Below I also add contact sheet.

In that set of pictures below I going to the opposite building asking about permission to in. They let me use a lift to go on the 15 floor . From the higher perspective I have more properly picture and straight. That shadows in that corridor is really satisfied. I never get that result using a mobile camera, to made that picture I was need professional equipment. Also I like in that picture reflex colors from the right window and all perspective when everything emerges from the shadows. I was operative there a Aperture, ISO, position, Exposure. I trying avoid auto setting, I trying set everything my self to learning and learning from my great camera.

Weather was difficult because was grey sky usually and achieved good pictures was quiet hard.

That challenge is so difficult but I am very happy because easy task didn't teach you.

Take my half day to move , to find and to create that. Thanks my tutor I have good Camera to create that and I was invest to accessory such as more batteries , remote, tripod to made my tools more flexible. I am so happy because kind people around me help me develop my ability and opportunity. I can range my view now for many things. Thank you.

All together 17 contact sheets.


  1. You have some good shots here please remember to add contact sheets and EXIF details to your test shots


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