2D Project Picture Process.

 My last couples week I was make a large number of photographs. I trying successively presenting my picture. I will expose the best what I thing and I add a contact sheet also. To take that pictures I was using a Canon camera  E0S 700D and sometimes Samsung S21 Ultra. 






In this picture above I was waiting for perfect moment when soup bubble from the show man going through my camera...

I really like that picture. Presenting the colour playing with net elements with metal bridge construction. Picture was made in night time.



Moreover that picture above and below is interesting and I like that. We can see normal human live in old part of the town.


Also that picture with broken lamp is interesting, composing with crack walls...

In this picture below with old house with squares walls I was using a extra light from the halogen lamp. That house is my grandpa property so when I loaded coal to his basement I was use a moment to capture a photographs.

I love it picture above, light reflection give incredible effects on the old tenement house....

Below church angles.... and interiors like above also

Photograph below is one from my favourites, set of the colours and leading lines is really readable for me.

Below old mine coal in Poland....

Looks like from the Greece but that is in Poland, I like that colours set and shapes with incredible flowing sky ... such us ghosts

Pure set of colours below in Energylandia in Poland...

Uneven town....here perception was wrong

 Picture below was interesting for me because except that metal pattern on the wall we can see natural shadow from another building... below dragon


My previous week I was spent time capture that pictures. I was made hundreds photographs and I was using any moment to capture interesting architecture. I was find challenging moments with aperture and light but I was trying all the time calibration my cameras to take the best pictures. Sometimes was easier take a pictures using my Samsung s21 but I was try avoid that. Obviously is think I didn't take everywhere my camera DSLR and sometimes was easier have smaller device in my pocket. Below I include a contact sheets... 

I was capture more than 1500 photographs.



  1. Some really great images here with a good use of light and framing. Now you will need to think about curation - we can discuss in tutorial


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