3D Processes Third Time... Development and Prototype

 I was on the way to fix my tight cases and in this short busy time I was try to make a 3D process with my project to avoid failure after come back from the way. 2 weeks avoid I was order all equipment what I need to complete my task with 3D project. First it all to transfer my picture on the rock I was need a ''Art Media Transfer Gel'', brush, rock, picture on the paper (normal print /laser), blackboard paint (recommended in the through process ), scissors and paint cleaner-solvent. I was start print my pictures in printer house, after that I was start painting 2 rock using a blackboard paint and one sample was without any cover surface.


I rushing with everything because I have a short time for my 3D Outcome Project and I had to know If that solution is good or no. After painting I was wait 3 hours for drying. Next step was using a art transfer gel to gluing my picture to the surfaces. After that I had to stick my photography on the paper to the rock surface the most properly how I can. My stones was 2 flat and one oval.


 After that I was leave that on the 1 day. Next day I start transferring my pictures on the rock surfaces. To doing that I have to put the water on the dry part of the paper and get him wet. I was start with 2 rocks/ blackboard paint to thinking that will be definitely success....

When my paper was wet I start scrumbling that paper surface to remove paper and left only pigment colour.

That was failure because all colour of the picture disappeared. That was painful...

I didn't give up and I was try doing this same process with flat rock with out any paint and that start look promising...

I was think well done , I made it... . I was really happy from that process. But that picture was wet, and when dry was look horrible... picture below.


 That was painful again because my time run away and again I failed. I was angry for my self... .I was try few times scrumbling that paper again but one by one my photo start faded. And now I have really major problem to do my project. I have another Idea but I have to first speak with my tutor tomorrow and I will be know. Namely my idea is Stone Photo Slate on the Granite. Will see ... I was try the best how I can but with out positive result that is really depressing.


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