Further Artist Research Eugene Atget's.

Eugene Atget's France photographer born 1857-1927. Atget's use large view camera 7x9 inch glass negatives (18x24cm) with wooden tripod. He printed on albumen papers, even where most photographs working on the platinum and silver papers he still stay with albumen paper. Artist start photographing narrow street, Parisian squares, stairwells, courtyards, bridges and quays of the Seine before the revolution and Paris modernisation (Krase,2001). He was use situation like opportunity. His own decide which one motifs were worth capturing and how will be taken (photographing). ''Glimpses inside and through buildings-the interpretation of spatial configurations-took increasing command of his interest. And with this he was quick to come up with new compositional formulae that flew in the face of the convention. Strong contrast, hard shadows that created an impression of depth, and intersecting forms became the hallmark of his photographic vision.'' Atget's particular liking for close-range lenses, which heighten perspectival effect and achieve better depth of focus that normal lenses (Krase,2001). 

                                             Narrow street of Paris, Eugene Atget's

In the picture above by Eugene Atgets's we can see narrow street with the ghostly people (long exposure). People blur, giving the effect of movement and expression. Photo was taken from corridor , we can see oval gaps in top corners of the picture. Also surface of the street is from old rock used at that time with visible traces of use. Perfectly capture shadows and depth below the facades contrasting on the gray wall. Top brighter part of the picture is give us different perspective and is visible sun light shining on the top of the buildings (roofs also). Opposite building it is very exposed, even overexposed. Windows give special pattern in this picture made that image more interesting. We can see in this picture normal human life, people on the street, plants in the window, curtains, people shadow in windows, horse-drawn carts, trades delivers. 

                                                                Hotel-Narrow street.

That picture above is another great piece of art. That picture of the artist looks little bit like the photo was taken incorrectly, crookedly- but that why that picture have interesting composition and appearance. Artist use long exposure and we can see very bright street , also sky is the most light point in that photography where that bright light moving on the neighborough buildings. Right and left down of the image we can see curious shadowy shapes and extreme depth  of the facades. Every each windows holes give us interesting pattern especially opposite building on the bend where give us feels like be falling down but i realize picture is taken from the different angle like straight. Natural light coming behind the photographer form the right side, also we can see the light reflection on the ''Hotel''banner. Looks like abounded street like also the buildings with mystery character of the image.

That artist have interested style for me and I will be try looking for for exposure and also depth in my pictures. That is very inspired and show how artist from the previous age still expose incredible style, composition and character. I will be think about my picture in similar way but I not shore if I will be use shoots from the corridor perspective, I'm not convinced about this, but it may change.


Atget, E., Krase, A. and Adam, H.-C. (2001) Eugène Atget’s Paris. Köln: Taschen. pp.25-29


Picture Credit:

Giannikakis, B. (2016). Some sort notes on Eugène Atget. [online] Babis Giannikakis takes photos. Available at: https://bgiannikakis.com/some-sort-notes-on-eugene-atget/.

Kim, E. (2013b). 6 Lessons Eugene Atget Has Taught Me About Street Photography. [online] ERIC KIM. Available at: https://erickimphotography.com/blog/2013/09/30/6-lessons-eugene-atget-has-taught-me-about-street-photography/.


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