Further Research Andrew Prokos.

 Beginning that curious research about Andrew Prokos Greek/American photographer I have to start with opinion about his arts. I didn't expect somebody shock me still photographing a architecture but hi is a master. That recommendation to the research is truly right. Even if I have all three research will be pleasure infiltration another artist from where I can develop wider my ability. First it all that unusual variety of that type of the photography hits me in 100%. That is what I like it and thank you for recommendation ''Guardian Angel''. I would like to focus on the one especial image / art that artist namely ... that was first idea but that artist have so many arts and I want to speak about it because if I written about something keep it in my brain permanently. I have to say that artist using different techniques variety of the colours, working with modern programs and variety of view... .

                                         View of Parthenon East Facade, Athens (B&W)

 That Picture above I was choose from the one magnificent reason that image is very himself, what that mean? Hi is Greek so in his ruts and his blood always will be flow a Greek Blood and that is a prof. Magnificat pillars from the Athens with incredible capture of depth , shadow , for me leading lines and contrast. That is essential of the Greek people and I am not surprise see that picture in the gallery of the best pictures of that photographer. He create a numerous time from 100 megapixels photographs , view in details and quality pictures and also hi using a programs to the conversion of the photographs. He using a long-exposure time to the 10 min (Prokos,2024). On this picture above I can see incredible readable image, all texture and shadows is in one place. Stairs to the column look like under pieces (obedient) such as in the picture hundreds year ago stairs lead you to something but that picture show us that Quantity. Briefly going to another below art work I have to say few interesting facts.


                                                          Queen’s Walk, London (B&W)

 Namely that photograph, where you can watch your own reflection from the walking ground tiles side , rich in the details, composition and familiar techniques similarities to the Edget move us in the time. That photograph is a wonderful creation of the human and show us , every where is not matter where are you what you capture, if you have ability , conception , vision and you love that what you do everyone your photograph will be  masterpiece. According to Prokos(2024) that photograph present a Big Ben in Victorian style environmental. ''Two minutes long exposure time renders the Thames River and clouds with soft flow and ghosts of passing pedestrians are capture peering out over the bridge.'' Moreover that photograph is change little bit in the program (contrast , shadows, enhance, brightness, warmth ) what give him a variety of this same photograph such as different colour (see fig. 1 below). In nowadays we have a huge opportunity to manipulation of the images from based tools to the more complicated programs to recreations of the photograph. Additionally using a long exposure techniques he achieve a incredible great quality of the picture what give him opportunity to the printing on the large format


                                                                 Inverted Brooklyn Bridge


I was choose all black and white because in his arts that looks the most magnificent and second I love the black and white pictures. In the last picture he use something's like invert colours but I think that is with out the colours to focus on the shape, contrast and depth of the objects. According to Prokos(2024)''Stripped of colour and inverted, light and shadow take on a new significance in these scenes, inviting the viewer to question their perception of the familiar.'' Techniques of the leading lines take us in the dream journal. I can see on this photographs a large number of details beginning from the lines , ropes which one imitate spider net, from the back side we can see all landscape with beautiful wealth of architecture. Also I see the rule of third which one divides our image on the three different parts. Even clouds in this picture have major role to made (they give this photograph an incredible depth and mystery).  I have to try using that technique in my picture , I am curious what effect I achieve. Additionally major role in this picture have a light and shadow where that give us perception in view and creating spaciousness and visibility. To summarise my research all that great masterpieces give me another life lesson and is the pence of me I will be learning from surrounding sources or I will close my self on the everything. I want to collection my ability experience and increasing that in every possible way. 


                                                      (Fig.1) Queens Walk, London


Prokos, A. (2024). Inverted New York - Black & White Photography Series by Andrew Prokos. [online] andrewprokos.com. Available at: https://andrewprokos.com/photos/inverted-new-york-series/.

Prokos, A. (2024a). Andrew Prokos Photographer’s Bio. [online] andrewprokos.com. Available at: https://andrewprokos.com/bio/.



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