Initial Research

 Today I will be look more ideas for my future project. I have to find relevant artist which one can help me develop my knowledge and ability also give me solutions for my work. I start thing about few artist such as Eugene Atget, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Fernando Guerra, Tekla Evelina Severin, Jeanette Hagglund. I was briefly look on that artist and during the time I increase my research. 

                           Fig.1.  Maison de Benjamin Franklin – rue de Penthievre 26 , 1901.

Eugene Atget photographed an old part of Paris before modernisation between 1897-1927.Through his photographs we can see interesting background also dark and full of depth. He photographs narrow streets typical for Paris in this time, also stairwells, courtyards , capture details of facades outside and inside, traders, vendors and even prostitutes in interesting poor kind of architecture environments. A large number of time he take a picture from the tunnels, stairwells and corridors. Hard shadows, strong contrast creating impression of depth, also human faces and figures he demonstrates an ambiguous (two meanings) reality. He had liking for close range lenses, also high perspectival effect what helps him have an incredible depth of focus in his photographs. Additionally his blurred pictures of movable objects was because long exposure time was an important factor to that.''...In the reflective surface of a fire-screen we see a darkly shrouded being with a lesn, like the symbol of photographer''(Krase,2001). According to (National Gallery of Art, 2024) Eugene Atget using a large view camera 7*9 inch glass negative and printing on albumen papers. A large number of time he was back to the previous place when he do a photography to see and capture changes in the environment/buildings. On the picture above we can see definitely contrast and unstoppable depth on the degenerate street. Moreover that picture was taken from corridor interior probably with sun behind right side. People shapes and shadow move like ghosts that happens probably because long exposure was used. That artist have interesting vision and style. I would like try cooperative came like him and I will be try.

Another interesting artist is Jeanette Haglund.That picture below take my attention. Shoot was taken by Jeanette Haglund with daily bright light using only the natural light. We can see architecture object on the blue cloudless sky. Colours elements of that object expose and contrasting in the image. All action happened from the right side. All stairs cover (balcony) elements is in this same olive colour and that pattern take the attention. Also this same structure looks very interesting, all curves, railings building insane curious shape. Even the small windows or doors in this same little brightly olive colours make more pattern that picture. Light going from the top right corner moreover shadows give us more interesting template. Two last stairs cover (balcony) from the bottom they seem been little brighter like rest but that give only unnoticeable small different. But follow the research I was find that building in whole size and all stairs beginning from the bottom changing the colours from white to the olive green. That’s is no coincidence, that is a architecture pattern. That building I think is probably hotel or apartment building, we can see from number of windows or doors and stairs. Stairs lead us to the top of the roof. Building texture looks similar to the matt murmur made from large blocks squares in bright white colour what great contrasting with green elements on the blue sky. Photography was shoot in capitol of South Korea- Seoul in place where is a large number of colourful buildings. Also one photography we can spotted a small black point probably light elements or cameras. That small details also give the pattern in our image.I think ISO was 200 to make that picture, aperture could be f11 or f16. Shutter speed I think was 1/125 sec. That picture of the building element is definitely more interesting like whole building and in this same direction I want push my photos in this project.


Fig.2. Seoul,(n.d) Jeanette Haglund

                        Fig.3.     The striking Lisbon School of Music. Fernando Guerra.

Third interesting artist is Portugal photographer Fernando Guerra, architecture photographer archive of exceptional shots of contemporary structures. He captured manufactured beauty take out essence from every each shape and construction and expose that in the magnificent photography using a double exposure.'' He captures the spatiality of buildings, contextualises them within their environment and how their users move around them, and, simply, makes them look stunning (Canon Europe,2024)''. In this picture above he was use a Canon EOS 5D Mark III with a Canon TS-E 17mm f/4L lens at 1/400 sec, f/9 and ISO100. Incredible effort and result like a painter on the canvas. He create a art using elements of the nature with the architecture. Moreover adding the people in that object looks more realistic -architecture have a lead to the humanity. That how sun light lighting give expression all that picture and reflection of course not leaving out that puddle on the ground where we can see light and building reflections. That how that artist expose a architecture is ''beyond time''. All that intense of colours, colour comparing and style pushing me to the deeper researching about him. 

All that artist give me some knowledge which one I hope to use. Every one working different but that why that is beautiful and precious. I can't wait another research from which I can gain knowledge.



Atget, E., Krase, A. and Adam, H.-C. (2001) Eugène Atget’s Paris. Köln: Taschen.pp.25-29 

Europe, C. (2024). Fernando Guerra – Canon Ambassadors. [online] Canon Europe. Available at:

Eugène Atget (2024) National Gallery of Art. Available at: (Accessed: 11 April 2024).  

Picture credit:


Fig.1.MOMA (2022). Amazing photos by Eugène Atget capture the vanished streets of Old Paris, 1900s - Rare Historical Photos. [online] Available at:

Fig.2. Fubiz (n.d.). colorful-architecture-in-seoul.

Fig.3. Europe, C. (2024). Fernando Guerra – Canon Ambassadors. [online] Canon Europe. Available at: 


  1. Good initial research - please just check your reference section here as you have some in black so just clear the formatting and also remember to add the access date to you references - if you are using Mybib make sure you have this on Harvard


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