
 During that journal I was spend a large number of time in University environmental. Sometimes was difficult and sometime was a pleasure to be hire. I had 3 difference Portfolio to create and 3D art works include a Website an Blog. I am so happy from me progress in portfolio creating I was find some problems with models and time to do but that was really impress for my self. Was worse with my 3D work , that was more challenging and required from me my manual skills and ideas. In this tasks time was not for my side. I would like to improve my cooperation with camera settings because my skills is still pore. Moreover creating a Blog and website was very time-taken and writing in different language rise the barriers for me. I  struggling with the English language but I am going forward. All that time help me develop my language, creative, photography ability. I am very happy for opportunity to join to the best time of the University from tutor to the friends. Tutor was extremely helpful to showing the way to follow and direct ass properly. All my achievements is because they was with me. Also my school friends help me sometimes I a have some question or I didn't understand something. I am so excited and also nervous on the future progress way and situation on my road. All that 9 month (like pregnancy 😂) it was born in me new person. My knowledge never was so fresh and useful, also I am more ambition for language opportunity and new experience to my profession. That time helps prepare me to the University and even with still not sublime language but with kind people around me I find advantages in the future in DMU. Moreover that all steps helping me to be more creative and thinking more effective, with that knowledge and ability will be more easy for me. 

Additionally that time and university tasks help me to expand my knowledge about programs and computers, I have 36 years and really sometimes is hard to explore that part of the technology what is lead to the photography. In the future I have better perspective after Course and qualification. To today I didn't have any especial powers, levels , achievement but now my life road getting wider and wider ready for challenges and solutions. Future years will be definitely difficult , language barrier style require care but follow that path bring me advantages and achievements. I hope so all that course and passion for photography helps me sell my independent work. I wish travelling all the word and capture moments, landscape, interesting things , places and much more. With website and range wide of the internet everything is possible and especial ability from the University DMU. Furthermore I want say thank you to everybody who was with me for all that time and of course DDMU University because they took me.


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