
Showing posts from November, 2023

Term Reflection

In this term I have a learned a lot from lesson with Ms. Zoe . During that term I was getting to know all important information's about How to creating a own Blog, how make a own commercial, Logo creating, Researches, creating my own website moreover how to working with variety of software for instance Power Point, Pixlr, Free Logo design and many many more. That was help me to creating all linked subject which one we expand in that term. Beginning that term was super hard. I was think I cant manage doing all that challenging tasks due to my language barrier and age. But lessons with tutor which one is very helpful , help me expand my knowledge and my ability in computer zone. Lessons was very quick and injective a large number of information's however now I am more efficient and effective. The most challenging thing for me what I had to do was Researches in web. I have a language barrier and all that things in different language take me twice more time then other. My favorited

Website feedback UX testing

 To test my website I created a google form with questions reading my website how it work. I them embedded the form into the navigation form  bar. I then published my website. My address was shared with group so that they could test my website and answer for my question which one I was included there. After I was analyst the feedback and I can responsed to this. I got 5 response to my questions here is a feedback and my response to every each. All that responded they thought my website between excellent and good. My homepage working good but maybe in future I will be update that more.  The navigation on my website I was pleased with I did think and worked well. I do think that it is important to keep checking everything's works particularly on the mobile view. That was about About Page Design. Here again we have this same results so I am happy from that I hope so be more effective in future.  That one was about contact page. Hire was little bit was , I mean still good but result sh

Concept Research

 Today i will explain my concept research, context and why I choose to doing that. So first important thing I am catholic and I believed in Angels. My parents aways taught me how live with religion, how to pray and they always repeated to me in pray " Remember to pray to Guardian Angel" . That I thing was first track in my live and that's why i follow that road. When I was 7 years I was start watching a movies with parents and alone. First movie what I remember was movie about Jesus Christ Film story from 1979 and there was some moment with Angels which one creating my memory , my view point and my life. All story about Jesus and things what's happen to him. The Jesus Film (Krish and Sykes, 1979) All my live Jesus , Angels, God accompany me in my way , that's why I was choose that project to say thank you. My context is simply it refers to my childhood and my entire life at that time. It is connected to the beliefs and beliefs through which it lives. Also from ano

Final photos task to my project. More than 500 pics.

   That is my work what i was doing last weekend. Me and my model we going in couple places to make my project. Was could and that challenge was difficult because my model cant stay to long barefoot on the grass and concrete. So I had make quick my photos. All together take me about 4 hours. I choose couples the best in colour as well so I add that below contact sheet.     That picture we doing in scrap cars place. I just move a model and I was a changes settings to get different photos.  Again different angle of pictures and I was searching better shots to find appropriate picture. Here I was try get some pictures / shoots from inside of car, that was a challenge because inside a car was dark and beyond was bright. There I had brilliant concoction doing some pictures on the pedestrians walk, but sun shining very bright and white stripes on the street  double reflective that light. We had to be quick because every 15 seconds another cars coming and trying a pass.  On the cemetery was m

Website Updates and Evaluation.

 Own site Website Evaluation Planning stage: What were your initial ideas for creating a website? style / name / template I wanted to creating my own website to representing my photography work. I will be doing that in black and white colours but also I planning add another page with colour photo. Style will be also in darkness colours with this same font everywhere. I will be using my own name .Template will be clear to read and view.  Do you have a tagline on your website? No , I am not marketing anything's such so have not punting that. Research: Which designers / artists (relevant to your continuation route) websites did you look for inspiration? I was inspirate a Elliot Erwitt website and all toots what he have on the website, that's why i doing somethings similar to his website.   How many pages did you want to make on your website and why? I would like add minimum  6 pages: Home , About, Contact, Portfolio and in Portfolio another 2 like one may project "Helpless Gu