
Showing posts from October, 2023

Creating a Website: Contact Page an Social Links

I follow with my website and creating. I am going add contact page and social links. I used the add button from left side to add a Social media links icons. After i click that and separate with one I have or with I don't have. Unnecessary option I have to remove. So I add "Instagram" and "My Blog". I have to past and downloads links to any each icon what I will be use. I remove old one contact form and I added a new contact table. I them a change a font of the "Get in Touch" to " Bodoni Poster". Next step i was add my own picture to make my website more interesting, I move contact table on the left an I move my picture on the right because that picture introduce small girl with one points his finger on the contact board. My contact Form I customize , I change a font for "Bodoni Poster" , size and color on black one . Font is this same like on whole website. I will be still change my website design to satisfy me an make my website

Creating a Website: Photography

Today we began creating a website using Wix. I began by choosing a template. This is a site and I just start a customize. First what I do ,I began from my Name and Surname. I choose a font "Bodoni Poster" size 35 and move in right place. I change my navigation linking words , change a font for "Bondi Poster" and I was remove unnecessary options. I leave only Home, Portfolio, About and Contact. I also deleted the login box . After that i just change my copyright sign to my name and the correct date with the font this same like above because should be compare to my rest fonts. I removed the previous background and downloaded the photo from "Unsplash" so that the website could suit me better. After that I just centered a background to edges. After that visually important move , I just save my Website klick right corner in the top. I completed my home page in future i will be adding a social media links.

Project Sign Off : Helpless Guardian

After finishing my deliberations on the project, I was finally able to come to a consensus with myself and I have now signed off my project on"Helpless Guardian". i will be doing something about 10 shots photos in black white colour. The photos below are just an outline of what will happen, going in this direction I will build my gallery of 10 photos. They will represent a sad angel concerned about the human soul.   Please find my Project Sing Off Here . I will be working on this throughout the term and I will post my project plan in the next post.

Initial Research: Henri Cartier Bresson

For my photo's I will be looking for solution similar to work of Henri Cartier Bresson. how he use a camera, how he finding a light, composition and facial expressions. He was photographer which very wide vision. Photo below show landscape but still witch the person. My photos will be a bit similar to this, I'm going to take a picture of a person from a slightly further perspective against an interesting background. I see on that photo shadows and nice composition, two objects from opposite sides and still landscape behind that. I like this photo because you can still see the weather and clouds. We can see 3 different strong colour's which give birth to the image into 3 almost different parts. That photo have amazing character , It captures the normal real life and duties of a normal person without lies and  hypocrisy. Henri Cartier-Bresson: Landscapes | MONOVISIONS - Black & White Photography Magazine  Henri Cartier-Bresson he fastened on to "the role of spontane

Major Project: SMART Objective

I've been deliberating and thinking deeply while creating my Milanote and all the ideas I've put there. I've reached a certain sketch and format that I'm going to stick to as if it were a SMART project. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific (My own), Measurable (which can be measured), Achievable(with achievements), Realistic (Genuine), and Timely(In time). Wings of Desire – Golden Age Cinema and Bar I am planning to take a 10 photo's to my project. I will be present short story of small Angel which aims to help people but she is helpless. I will create a set of 10 black and white images which i will on my final web site as a gallery . I will be try capture photo's using my own phone camera Samsung S21 Ultra I still considering borrow equipment from University but will see during the time. This will be completed by the beginning of December. If I have enough time, I will try to make a short film in which I would use my own music and edit it in Sony Vegas 18.

Milanote Board: Photo Story Project.

This is my Milanote Board with my own research. All ideas , all photos and liks included is there. Thats help me in my implemented.                                                                         Milanote project

Major Project Initial Ideas

This time we are focusing on something bigger, namely our big assessment project.I'm looking for ideas that will help me create my portfolio this semester, the beginnings are difficult . I really like taking photos of nature and night, so my first idea is to take photos of nature and the sky at night, it is very difficult but subject is very wide. I have my first inspiration it is a photo of the night sky with a piece of landscape. I just go to "Usplash" and i chose 2 picture's with one is the most close my heart. Creating that portfolio i would like enjoined my work so i have to fint topic with one bring me lots of joy and inspirations on the future. I like made photography without the people, I searching pleases, where you can think, deliberating and admire the beauty of nature that surrounds us. I was think I could going to direction Ansley Adamas, he usually do landscape photos. I was know that challenge will be very difficult and i have to use good camera to capt

Creating at Advert: Ideas, Planning and Process.

Food has always accompanied people on earth, since the infection of history. From kings to chops. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, food is an indispensable companion in life. I want to make an advert with Polish food, Catering, Polish kitchen and our traditional meals. We would like to take the customer on an imaginary journey to Polish, so that they can taste the best specialities from the Polish at their fingertips. Since I love food, I decided to make an advert in this direction. Food is very catchy and sells quickly, which is very important in this process. I have a few ideas on what exactly my advert will be related to. -Invitation and tasting of free food, snacks, refreshments in order to broaden potential customers. -A gallery, a brochure, a collection of photos of our products, from traditional dinners to cakes. -A surprise contest in which you will be able to win free lunches for a week, which will encourage people to take part and have a great time. The winner

Advertising Reasearch: Gen Millennium/Gen Z

I have been creating an advert for Polish Food, Catering. In this post i will be discuss advertising and marketing Gen Millennium and Gen Z. "In a Lucid poll, I asked 350 people to tell me if, "The same marketing tactics that persuade millennials also work on Gen Z," was a true or false statement. And if you think consumers — the people who are being marketed to by brands — would sway one way or another, you'll be slightly surprised by the results below:" (Bump, 2023)    Data Source: Lucid Software I chose both generations because the food that will be sold will find buyers among families, and families are made up of different generations like hire Gen Z and Gen Millennium. That is so important for future my advert/company to know who spending more, and what the future of sales among families will look like. That two generation will be the most often customers. My own advert i will be marketing through hopefully to understanding the topic of generation and poten